Cost of Living

Incidental costs not included in Program Costs consist of transportation to and from their home country, as well as in-country accommodation, food, local transportation, books and supplies during their studies at Chulalongkorn University . The following is a rough indication of expenses calculated for a 12-month period.

Incidents Expenses (1 year)

Books, supplies and equipment THB 25,000 (≈ USD 830/Year)

Local transportation (THB 3,600/month) THB 43,200 (≈USD 1,440/Year)

Food (THB 8,000/month) THB 96,000 (≈USD 3,200/Year)

Housing (THB 12,000/month) THB 144,000 (≈USD 4,800/Year)

Total THB 308,200 (≈USD 10,270/Year)